Keith and The Girl comedy talk show
Keith and The Girl (est. March, 2005) is a fast-paced comedy show that talks about EVERYTHING. KATG host and Podcasting Hall of Fame inductee Keith Malley and guests talk openly about their lives including topics such as their relationships, religion and atheism, the LGBT community, love, hate, fights, racism, feminism, weed and other drug use, family, and any comfortable or uncomfortable topic. Keith creates an aggressive but safe place for his guests to share intimate and never-been-told stories and promotes a frank and hilarious atmosphere. KATG is known for its rabid and supported fan-base. In fact, over 150 audience members have tattooed and, literally, branded themselves with KATG-related body modifications. Top names in the industry credit the Keith and The Girl show for being pioneers in the podcasting world. "You guys got me started to begin with. You were the original podcasting people." -Marc Maron The show - which has been available for two decades with over 3,800 episodes, the most of any podcast in history - continues with such greats as the late Gilbert Gottfried (Aladdin, Problem Child), Bowen Yang (SNL), Jim Norton (Opie and Anthony), Doug Stanhope (The Howard Stern Show, Louie), Ilana Glazer (Broad City), Phoebe Robinson (Two Dope Queens), Hannibal Buress (Broad City, TAG), Kevin Allison (Risk!, The State), Mike Lawrence (Conan), Eugene Mirman (Bob's Burgers), Matteo Lane (Late Show with Stephen Colbert), and many others! KATG has appeared on the cover of The Village Voice and the Keith and The Girl show has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Playboy, Mashable, Cosmopolitan, Maxim, Bloomberg Businessweek, New York Observer, Glamour, and more! Download an episode of KATG. Subscribe to the podcast. Change your life. L'chaim.

with Travis Irvine – Chinatown bus shadiness; running for Mayor; Fentanyl; Cleveland Browns, Steven Seagal, and football protests

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-29.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 1:07am EST

with Bob Powers – Marriage, divorce, and mental illness; the 2017 Total Eclipse; nursing home romances; the National Anthem, football, and President Trump; the price of cheesehead “hats”

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-28.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

with Andrea Allan – Gatorade vs. Water; Mormon-owned Brigham Young University’s love of soda; the cost of Halloween; Hurricane Maria; KATG Polls; Kevin Hart’s baby shower; Usher’s herpes victims; Anthony Weiner sentenced to 21 months; Pretty Woman the musical; Macarena celebrates 21 years; group camping; high mountain climbers; Kingsman: The Golden Circle reviewed

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-27.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 9:50pm EST

with Gianmarco Soreski – Gianmarco's father's unconventional jobs; being heterosexual and loving musical theater; friends coming out at theater camp; Israel and Birthright; Keith's horrible skydiving experience vs. Gianmarco's wonderful skydiving experience; laying on the Italian; divorced parents and their dating choices; woman charged with manslaughter for injecting toxic materials into other women's butts; Chemda's teen legal battle; toddlers hit with foul balls at baseball games

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-26.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Keith gets divorced and prepares his bachelor pad; reminiscing on past group camping trips and talking about the upcoming trip; drug addict killed by his own dog who ate crack by accident; Kevin Hart infidelity and extortion plot thickens; Andrea is moving up fast in her guest appearances on KATG

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-25.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

with Neruda Williams – Man caught fucking barbell disc; cooking oils as lubrication; straight sex with your same-sex buddy; cocaine, fighting, and your mom’s brothel; sex with your cousin; YouTube’s #1 star PewDiePie says the N-word on his own video; Cash Me Outside girl’s rap song; The Harlem Comedy Festival

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-22.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

With Billy Procida, Sam Evans, and Andrea Allan – Polyamory and broken relationships; sex work and financial domination; Billy and Andrea’s sexual past; ambush stand-up shows

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-21.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

with Joanna Shaw Flamm – Fitness, nutrition, and medicine liars; man fails robbing Baskin-Robbins; President Trump’s latest offensive tweets; Juggalos invade Washington D.C.; Cathryn’s housewarming party; Anthony Weiner’s jail time; Ted Cruz clicks the LIKE button on 3-way porn; Martin Shkreli’s bail offer revoked for putting a bounty of Hillary Clinton’s head; 2017 Emmys; Trypophobia; Gene Simmons’ $50,000 box set

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-20.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 8:56pm EST

with Ray DeVito and Andrea Allan – Keith’s drinking buddies and his final night drinking; drinking and seizures; cursing caught on network TV; Dallas Cowboys mass shooting; Tinder date gets stuck in window retrieving feces; Ray’s dating life; getting caught masturbating; renting a sex doll; American Assassin and mother! reviewed; Kevin Hart admits infidelity to his pregnant wife; Rebel Wilson wins $3.6 million defamation lawsuit against Woman’s Day

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-19.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 9:10pm EST

with Tracey Carnazzo – OCD; the iPhone X’s facial recognition; face injections; how not to get caught cheating; catcalling and marriage proposals; Chemda, the worst surprise giver ever; Teen Mom

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-18.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 10:22pm EST

with Tyler Snodgrass and Danii Gallegos – Florida residents shoot the hurricane; It reviewed and Stephen King's child gang-bang examined; frat boys kidnapping; man caught masturbating watching The Emoji Movie; Sofia Vergara's battle over her eggs; the highest paid actors in Hollywood; Netflix's weed strains; chef with cancer diagnosis kills friend who introduced him to cigarettes; sober people drinking by accident; Hillary Clinton's new book; fantasy football updates; blind football players and humiliating losses; Keith's 25th high school reunion cancelled


Direct download: KATG-2017-09-15.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 2:47am EST

with Hennessy – Hennessy’s slavery-inspired birthday; relationship boundaries; the ins and outs of AA; Phantom Phallus Syndrome and testosterone shots; woman makes 15 false rape claims in 3 years; dinged vehicle update; sex on a golf course

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-14.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

with Shannon Noll and Andrea Allan – Gender queer; shoplifting; podcast professionalism; sobriety and edibles; Google maps for indoors; Kendall Jenner named Fashion Icon of the Decade; sex in relationships; triple talaq; smarter people curse and walk naked in their homes; Germany’s laws against Nazi symbolism; ghosts

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-13.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

with Sean Donnelly – Chemda’s health update; Sean’s marriage separation; being a doorman in NYC; drunk fights; Rick Flair healthier after bowel removal

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-12.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

with Eddie Brill – Panic; booking the Late Show with David Letterman; reading lips; accidental joke thievery; sex, drugs, and comedy in the ‘80s; Eddie’s media frenzy over sexism in show business

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-06.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 10:09am EST

with Chewy May and Andrea Allan – Texting and sending money in an alcoholic blackout; Hollywood’s whitewashing; It’s spooky promotion; scary movies, haunted houses, and real ghosts

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-08.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

with Libby Phillips – The dangers of the Sniff ‘n Drink technique; AA; the most shocking KATG episode ever; movie remakes with the opposite sex; taking drugs to stop drinking; man literally runs into Burning Man; KATG Polls; being late; laugh-stifling; Keith’s money-making football ideas; Roxxxy the emotional sex robot; Trump pledges $1 million to Hurricane Harvey relief, doesn’t deliver; Hurricane Irma; 13-year-old mayor; harassment and the legality of Nazi symbolism

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-07.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 12:36am EST

Keith’s sober week; the cadence of group self-help leaders; hospital costs; Keith’s new home; Wind River reviewed

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-05.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

with Laurie Kilmartin – Mumbling life’s problems away; being chronically late; stand-up as a single mom; curb-stomping; Trump and Melania visit Texas due to Hurricane Harvey; Nazis are stabbing and macing themselves for attention; Queens' man throws dog off a balcony to win an argument; dead bodies and the MTA

Direct download: KATG-2017-09-01.mp3
Category:KATG -- posted at: 7:03pm EST